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A Memory like game, written in Godot. Does allow custom card decks to be side loaded.

How to Play Samory

Since this is a Memory game your goal is to find identical cards. The game needs at least 2 players and technically there is no limit how many players are added.

The game should be played on a hot seat approach sharing the input device. The game can be played via mouse, controller or keyboard.

Game Modes

There are two ways to start a game right now.

Quick Game

This will select a random card deck, this can be a custom one or one built in. It will add two players and get you directly into the game.

Start Game

Game Lobby

This option will show you a lobby screen, it does allow you to add players to the player list on the left. It also allows you to select a deck on the right side of the screen.

You need to select one deck and add at least two players, if done correctly the Start Game button in the left corner will unlock.

Press it to get to the game screen

Game Play

Game field

This part will explain to you how you actually play the game as soon as it was started.

The players will started sorted by there age, starting at the youngest age. This sorting will be done by the game. To see which player is currently on the turn, check the left corner of your screen, The player name will be highlighted in red.

How does a player turn look like

First of all you should move the camera so you can see the game field. Check the controls how to move and zoom the camera. Pan around and zoom as needed. Select a card via one of the input methods and uncover it, select a second one and uncover it as well.

You found identical cards

If those cards are identical you will score a point and the cards will be removed from the game field. Select another pair of cards, you can continue your turn until the cards do not match.

The cards are different

Wait until every player did see the cards you uncovered, press the End Round button of you input device. Check the controls to find the required button.

Round end

If your selection does not match up your turn will end and the next player will be highlighted in the left corner, now he can play.

How to win

To win the game you need to find more matching pairs than any other players. You will get an summary at the end of the game showing the points scored and announcing the winner.

The end screen does allow you to replay the same deck with the same players or return to the main menu.

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